Hello you lovely beans you, those who decide to occasionally come visit this page (or are greeted with a link courtesy of yours truly) and actually indulge in a bit of slop in either reading or writing form.
I can assure you that today is not much different as this post is inspired by an irl chat I had with my best buppy
(get well soon hon).We all say certain things in certain ways…
Be it because of the regional dialect, or an experience that shifted your perspective.
Basically being neurospicy and associating things with other things to help you remember the thing. I for one am grateful for this as it makes things a little bit easier understanding something, or in certain cases, making the thing you’re referring to more appealing
So with that little bit outta the way, time to share some go-to Surgi sayings I may have said to you, or not!
The One that sparked this idea in the first place… Circle Jerkle K
Depending on your location in this country, you have been met with one of these establishments, constantly advertising their exceptionally chilly (and cheap) beverages and ciggies, if you’re into that sorta thing.
Why, pray tell, do I address this place as such…???
Well faithful reader cutie, I honestly don’t specifically recall! I just remember driving around one day in Murfreesboro and seeing one near a Publix and my brain meat decided to amalgamate this with the term circle jerk, which IYKYK. Best explanation I could give is that it’s a bit of a circle jerk to be in one of these, be it for snacks or gas, idk.
Just understand these aren’t all gonna make sense 💜
Meowdy Purrdner
I gotta acknowledge my lovelies in the most catastic way possible
and that’s all you really need to know~
Dende / WeeWee 3.0
These being used sometimes when referring to penis :3
There is this black youtuber (SSJ9k) who had his own array of DBZ parody vids, and one recurring phrase was using Dende as a connotation of penis. unfortunately SSJ had to remove the videos which sucks, but would go on to make his own more original content.
WeeWee 3.0 is referring to a black comedian’s skit that I saw once, it just lives rent free in my head.
I specifically use this when talking about Testament from Guilty Gear. My brain defaults to that because of this cursed ass reel I saw on IG of someone getting rammed by a shopping cart while the audio casually says testicles.
continuing on with cat-pilled antics, whenever I am met with onions, well.. yeah.
they’re now cat based :3
I feel like for my melanated friends, you may or may not know these acronyms already, and probably use them regularly to describe someone.
For those not in the know, I’ll share
both of which come into play regularly, as more often then not, someone is tapping into these energies for no good reason. we don’t want that sorta energy ~
I use this mainly as the reference of a person! we are various types of beans! It makes perfect sense too once you begin to break down our similarities :3
no, I will not be breaking it all down ( today )💜
Anywho + noodle
it’s just fun for me to say, I really have no secret origin for this one lol ~
Bonus section! Cutesy names!
So some of my lovely moots that hold special places in my heart receive adorable names / titles. I’d love to acknowledge a few ~
- Korby Worby
it rolls off the tongue! I love Korby worby uwu
KittyKeetz - Meow Meow / Squishy
She is kitty, she is squishy :3
Amani - ManiMani
My older sibby amani, when i’m feeling extra cutesy towards them
- Dexi butt / bubby mcbubblebooty musclepapi
My beloved moot Dex, resident aspiring muscle papa, he is the bestest and fellow booty owner uwu
- GeeBee!
GeeBee like the BeeGees but GeeBee is the beebee. My dearest cosmic cutie ~
I figured today i’d do a goofier post, considering a dropped a lot of stuff on ya’ll yesterday. But anywhoodle, take care of yourselves!
toodles, noodles 💜💋